35+ Dog Training Quotes: Inspirational & Educational Sayings 您所在的位置:网站首页 pawsitive practice dog training 35+ Dog Training Quotes: Inspirational & Educational Sayings

35+ Dog Training Quotes: Inspirational & Educational Sayings

2023-11-28 03:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Congratulations on your new puppy! You are now the proud of owner of a wild and free canine who’s ready to take over the world! Together, there’s no saying what the two of you can accomplish. However, with this great puppy power comes great puppy responsibility – well, we think that’s how the saying goes at least. Preparing your new addition to become the wonderful and obedient companion you dream of will cost you a bit of patience and understanding, but we can assure you that they are happy to put in the work as long as you do.

You have come to the right place if you are looking for a little inspiration before starting down your dog training path. Choosing one (or all) of these to remind yourself how fun and exciting training can be.

Good luck fellow dog owners!

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Inspirational Dog Training Quotes

The thought of the training process with a new puppy can seem daunting. The cure for the teaching blues is a quick fix with some inspirational sayings. A pawsitive attitude from you is all your pup needs to thrive!

Dog training is a never-ending process of evolving.Ivan Balabanov It’s easier to steer than stop a dog.Chad Mackin Prevent what you can not control and control what you teach.Duke Ferguson Always challenge, never overwhelm.Chad Mackin “Stubborn is a good thing. If they are doing the wrong thing they are stubborn. If they are doing the right thing they are ‘committed’ … just get them stubborn on the right thing.Chad Mackin When it comes to training a dog, 5 minutes a day Monday through Friday is better than 30 minutes on Saturday.Martin Deeley Always give your dog the benefit of the doubt.Martin Deeley Just because a dog is not giving you the response you’re looking for, doesn’t mean he is a hard dog.Ivan Balabanov training a yorkshire terrier dogImage Credit: Pezibear, Pixabay Learning is not an event. Learning is a process.Unknown It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.Dr. Suess It takes as long as it takes.Unknown The only hard and fast rule Is, there are no hard and fast rules.Captain Arthur Haggerty

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Educational Dog Training Quotes

Take your pup to dog school by using these helpful tips during training! Keeping yourself informed is going to make the training journey much easier for you and your fur baby.

See also: Best Treats for Training your Puppy There is no point to practice when you are not ready to learn.Ivan Balabanov Your dog is not being a problem, your dog is having a problem.Chad Mackin Just because we can use pressure with a dog doesn’t mean we should rely on it.Pat Nolan Most of what people call aggression in dogs is really just an inappropriate response to fear and uncertainty. The way to address the problem is taking away the fear of the unknown, by making it known.”Dick Russel If you want the dog to stop fighting the leash, stop using the leash to fight the dog.Chad Mackin Never be more invested in the success of the dog than the owner is.Marc Goldberg Timing; the difference between making it better or making it worse.Ralf Weber The Master has failed more times than the Beginner has ever tried. Stephen McCranie If you don’t understand how something works, you can’t improve upon it.Ivan Balabanov dog in agility trainingImage By: Anja Szych, Pixabay What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity.Chip Heath Growling, snapping and snarling are efforts to avoid a conflict, not start one.Dick Russel Good dog training is undramatic.Michael Ellis Related Read: Funniest Dog Quotes 

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Other Dog Training Quotes

Having the right mindset will be one of the most important tools you can keep in your training toolbelt. Get in the zone with these brilliant sayings.

Accumulation of information does not mean you actually know.Ivan Balabanov Your dog is doing the best it can with the information you are providing.Unknown You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry If the dog does not perform well, living a good life, being well-fed, and with social interactions, the training system is flawed.Ivan Balabanov Effective training is a partnership between you and your dog based on trust, love, and science. Strengthen your bond so you can train force-free.Unknown Your dog is a reflection of your ability as a dog trainer.Susan Garrett Training often fails because people expect too much of the dog and not enough of themselves.Unknown One of the quickest ways to get your dog not to trust you is to keep overriding your dog telling you he does not feel safe. Suzanne Clothier It’s not only about dog training. It’s about people training too. Leila Grandemange Remember practice builds confidence. Practice with your pet, behaviors you want to see more of in different environments and with different reinforcements. Unknown An open mind and helpful hands can do much to change a dog’s future. Unknown Before you ask your learner to do something, as yourself, “Why should he?”Unknown

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We wish you the best of luck in training your canine companion. With the right mindset, information, inspiration, and some great quotes, we know you’ll have fido in tip-top shape in no time at all.

If you are interested in light-hearted and entertaining reads, try one of these:

Hilarious and Relatable Dog Mom Quotes  Unbelievably Dumb Dog Breeds

Feature Image Credit: Melounix, Shutterstock






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